Final Self-Assessment Essay

Phase 3 Assignment Prompt

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Overview:For this assignment, you will write a Self-Assessment Essay. The essay, which will discuss your learning this semester, will serve as an introduction to your Final Portfolio.  
Length:750-1000 words
Genre:Reflection essay
Audience:Classmates + Teachers

Assignment Introduction

The Self-Assessment Essay is a kind of research paper. Your task is to reflect and then to show, with explicit claims and supporting evidence, how you’ve developed as a writer and thinker this semester.

Reflection is an ideal tool for critical thinking and learning. Writing the Final Self-Assessment Essay will give you the chance to evaluate your semester’s work based on your own criteria as well as the course learning goals.

Thus, the Final Self-Assessment Essay, coupled with the Final Portfolio, are in many ways the most important documents that you’ll create for this class.

Instructor’s Learning Goals

1. Make Claims about the Learning You Achieved This Semester

Provide 4+ claims (in the form of explicit statements) about what you’ve learned, not learned, or only partially learned this semester. Your grade does not depend on whether or not you learned, so do feel free to be fully honest and transparent.

2. Provide Ample Evidence (Examples) to Support Each Claim

Evidence may come in the form of a quote or screenshot of your work, or through your retelling of a central learning moment. Your previous self-assessments, homework, and in-class work should provide you with pieces of evidence and quote-worthy passages.